Package Options

Most of the options to the <#52#>color<#52#> package just specify a driver, e.g. |dvips|. You should to set up a site default for these options, for the driver that you normally use. Suppose that you wish for the <#53#>color<#53#> package to always default to use specials for the PostScript driver, |dvips|. In that case create a file |color.cfg| containing the line:

One special option that is of interest is |monochrome.| If this option is selected the colour commands are all disabled so that they do not generate errors, but do not generate colour either. This is useful if previewing with a previewer that can not produce colour.

Three other package options control the use of the named model. The |dvips| driver (by default) pre-defines 68 colour names. The |dvips| option normally makes these names available in the named colour model. If you do not want these names to be declared in this model (Saving TEX some memory) you may give the |nodvipsnames| option. Conversely, if you are using another driver, you may wish to add these names to the named model for that driver (especially if you are processing a document originally produced on |dvips|). In this case you could use the |dvipsnames| option. Lastly the |usenames| option makes all names in the named model directly available, as described below.